Armadura de Darth Vader, o el número de serie: E-3778Q-1, fue un sistema de soporte de vida móvil que Darth Vader se vio obligado a usar para compensar las graves lesiones que sufrió después de su duelo con Obi-Wan Kenobi en Mustafar en el 19 ABY. Fue diseñado para mantener y proteger el cuerpo carbonizado del joven aprendiz Sith mientras que exuda un aire de intimidación y control. Su traje siguió una antigua tradición Sith, en la que los guerreros del lado oscuro de la Fuerza se ataviaban en armadura pesada. La demanda fue construido utilizando diversos métodos de alquimia Sith que sirvieron para aumentar la fuerza física gravemente disminuida de Vader y vitalidad.
El traje proporciona una amplia variedad de sistemas de soporte de vida, los más importantes entre ellos un equipo de respiración complejo, y dio a Vader relativamente libre circulación sin tener que utilizar una silla flotante. Fue dañado o roto en varias ocasiones durante su uso, lo que exige mejoras y reparaciones. La demanda fue finalmente irreparablemente roto por poderoso rayo Fuerza del Emperador Palpatine a bordo de la segunda Estrella de la Muerte después de Vader salvó a su hijo, Luke Skywalker, de la muerte cerca. Después de la muerte de Vader pronto a partir de entonces, la demanda fue ceremonialmente quemado por Skywalker en la luna boscosa de Endor en el 4 DBY.
La armadura de Vader encerrado por completo, sin dejar expuesta la piel quemada. Vader lentamente aprendió a vivir en este tipo de aislamiento y el anonimato, encontrar maneras de hacer frente a su situación, aunque la demanda no se hizo con la tecnología de punta de su día y era incómodo de llevar. Como una manera de superar sus limitaciones, Vader se vio obligado a cambiar su estilo de sable de luz. Además, para escapar de la naturaleza claustrofóbica de la armadura, Vader tenía varias cámaras de meditación construidos, en la que se pudo eliminar la máscara y traje y todavía sobrevivir. Sin embargo, Vader deseaba ser menos dependiente de su armadura, y trató a veces a funcionar sin él, pero él trabajó en vano.
Contenido [mostrar]
Al igual que la armadura tradicional Sith [8] y formado después de que los antiguos droides Sith, [9] traje de Darth Vader fue hecho para ser a la vez intimidante y temible. [1] Su casco era negro, con un acabado muy pulido de woodoo ocultar. [10] El frente fue tallada para encajar alrededor de la cabeza y mostrar su "cara". Este casco tenía una cresta elevada que corrió de entre sus ojos en la parte posterior de la cabeza, donde se combinó en la [5] duracero, [11] obsidiana, [12] y plastiacero [13] del propio casco. Además, también se rumorea que ya fuerte casco metálico del casco también se ha fortalecido aún más a través de la alquimia lado oscuro, con la técnica específica que no se encuentra en la base de datos de la Academia de Medicina Rhinnal. [10] Dos menos crestas dentadas barridas, curvándose , sobre los ojos de la máscara de Vader adecuada y sirve para acentuar ellos. [5] los bordes dentados también actuó como un medio para desviar los posibles golpes de energía en la armadura del hombro de espesor. [10] Este casco encerrado en la máscara, [14] a través de un sello a presión comparable en la integridad de un traje espacial Clase C. [10] además de la protección, sino que también pegó agujas en la piel de Vader cuando se fija en su lugar, que se alimentan de datos neurológicos sobre la actividad de las ondas cerebrales en el ordenador el centro del pecho, y poseía se instalaron almohadillas conducción del radiador en el casco como un medio para permitir que el exceso de calor a sangrar a través de la superficie del metal. [10]
Casco / máscara de respiración planos de Darth Vader
La máscara en sí se fue a mitad de camino alrededor de la cabeza de Vader. El aspecto de la máscara se le dio una apariencia similar a un cráneo con el fin de mejorar el factor de temor del Señor Oscuro de los Sith. La parte superior de esta máscara fue coronado con una interfaz circular salpicado de una serie de ranuras cuadradas alrededor de un disco de plata. Este disco parecía servir como una interfaz entre la máscara y el casco. Hecho de duracero negro, estos componentes se sellan herméticamente y se conectan con una mochila plana que un ciclo de aire a los pulmones de Vader. La bomba de aire en sí se encuentra dentro de la parte superior de la máscara, la cual, a través de un ventilador, suministra una escofina distintivo. Un enunciador implantado vinculada a un procesador de voz electrónica habilitada cuerdas vocales chamuscados de Vader para producir el habla. Alrededor de la parte invisible de la máscara, la parte cubierta por el casco, eran cables dispuestos en un diseño. También escondidos debajo de su máscara de cuatro plazas de la parrilla-como de rojo, acentuado por entrecruza con reborde de cable amarillo. El rostro de la máscara era algo exagerado y angular, con dos crestas por encima de los ojos que se ajusten a los de su casco. Los ojos parecían bulbosa. Esta parte delantera de la máscara era de un material negro más altamente pulida que la de la parte posterior, siendo el más flexible de los dos. El puente de la nariz surcada parecía perdido en la amplitud de los ojos, pero sobresalía de una manera similar a un cráneo desnudo. Los pómulos de la máscara eran generalmente angulares, curvándose ligeramente para unirse a la nariz en su base. La base de la nariz ofrece una de las únicas tonalidades presentó distinto del negro-plata-en la máscara. Esta pieza de plata, que actuó como un detector multipropósito que actuó como sensor ambiental principal de la demanda, y podrían medir la radiación, la temperatura, y la toxicidad atmosférica y muestra la información en el HUD, se completó en forma, [10] con una parrilla triangular creciente de debajo de él que sirvió como un filtro de aire, [5] que contribuye aún más a su apariencia de calavera. [15] La lente de ojo actuado como filtros ópticos, permitiendo Vader para ampliar los límites de la visión humana mediante la detección de las longitudes de onda infrarrojas y ultravioleta , mientras que también bloquear el exceso de luz, debido a la incapacidad para reparar retinas dañadas de Vader. Además, la lente también viene equipado con un HUD que supplyed datos críticos de forma automática como una superposición si Vader entró en nuevos entornos, incluida la información sobre la composición atmosférica, se encuentra cerca de los bio-firmas, y otros, que también podría ser seleccionado a través de los controles de la boca. El objetivo, asimismo, viene equipado con protectores oculares secundarias que activan dentro de los 5 milisegundos y correderas automáticamente las ampollas ópticos para prevenir la ceguera al acercarse a una luz intensa. Componentes para un desmontado SoroSuub DH-57 comunicador también fueron construidos en el interior de la máscara, como resultado de que sea una solución más barata en comparación con el encargo de diseñar una nueva unidad. También estaba equipado con potenciadores de audio y amortiguadores sonoros, el último de los cuales también eran capaces de reducir el ruido como una defensa contra las armas sónicas, y que puede extender el rango de audición de Vader a 40 kHz, lo suficiente para ser superior a un Ronto. También viene equipado con un sintetizador de voz, que, después de recoger los sonidos electrónicos de un codificador de voz incorporado, traduce el discurso de otra forma débil de Vader para ser audible, y tambien tiene añadido un timbre, el bajo y la amplificación para producir una cantidad impresionante de la calidad vocal . [10]
Vader anteproyecto
Modelo de armadura de Vader
Un hermético [14] de cuello envuelto alrededor del cuello de Vader y hacia delante inclinadas en la parte frontal para satisfacer la máscara en la parte inferior de su parrilla triangular. Fue añadida a causa de las vértebras artificiales solo eran de valor limitado como unidades estructurales. [10] La parte de atrás, que se inclinaba ligeramente hacia afuera en la base de su cuello, estaba tachonada con interfaces de metal. Los dos lados de la parte delantera estaban bordeadas por dos tubos que siguieron a la orilla del la máscara hasta que llegó a la base de la parrilla triangular. Al final de estos tubos fueron dos clavos de plata. En la parte superior de la parte frontal inclinada de este collar eran varias interfaces, con cables corredor de ella a la parte posterior del cuello. A partir de los lados del collar se produjo dos vástagos de metal cubierto con un accesorio de curvado. Estos, cuando se usa, se tocaron las esquinas exteriores de la boca de Vader. [5] El collar, junto con la armadura en el pecho, también fueron ligned con electrodos que se alimentan de la información de estado del rendimiento de la demanda durante las sesiones mensuales de mantenimiento en la EmPal SuRecon. El collar también estaba equipado con pajitas de alimentación que permitieron Vader para alimentar a sí mismo de una vejiga implantado lleno de RepMed vitapaste, y podría ser rellenado o bien durante el mantenimiento mensual o bajo demanda. A pesar de esto, sin embargo, un sistema redundante para dar cabida a la alimentación intravenosa también se instaló debido pésimo gusto de la vitapaste. El collar también viene equipado con un codificador de voz en el conjunto de mordaza para ayudar en el habla debilitada de Vader, así como la boca que controla Vader podría utilizado a su ventaja en el combate, incluyendo superposiciones visuales; magnificación óptica, la selección comunicador-frecuencia; magnetización de arranque; y específica de amplificación de audio para la vigilancia. El collar bloquea la máscara en su lugar a través de abrazaderas electromagnéticas. [10]
Hombreras de Vader y armadura en el pecho parecen ser de una sola pieza que protegía toda su parte superior del torso. [5] El material duracero [8] era gris en color con varias rayas verticales negras. Alrededor del cuello de la hombrera-hombro completo era una cadena de negro, y conectado a la costura superior de la armadura [5] era negro, que fluye, cabo armorweave [11] casi la piso-longitud de Vader. [8] de debajo de la hombrera Coming era un tabardo negro que estaba abierto en la parte delantera y se agachó hasta el suelo. [5] la armadura del hombro en sí pesaba 12,2 kg general, era resistente a ambos desintegradores y cuchillas de energía, y era capaz de accesos soportando desde ambos tipos de armas con sólo picado de la superficie menor. Un inconveniente, sin embargo, es que su peso hace que sea difícil para Vader para levantar su sable de luz para toda su altura, aunque aún podía levantar las manos por encima de su cabeza si se presiona. [10]
Vader llevaba un acanalado, acolchado, de múltiples capas cuerpo guante que cubría todo por debajo de su cuello. Esta flexibilidad, traje acolchado era explosión de amortiguación, y estaba hecha de un material a prueba de fuego que proporciona cierta protección contra las llamas y gases corrosivos. Había también una junta dentro de un traje que accede al cartucho que contiene productos químicos kouhunin para disminuir la percepción de Vader del dolor. La demanda también se alinea con los sensores conectados a los sistemas de diagnóstico para monitorear pulmonares, respiratorias, y las interfaces neurales de Vader y alimentar los datos a la caja torácica central. La temperatura del traje está igualmente regulado a través de una unidad de calefacción instalado en la parte posterior. [10] En sus manos llevaba guantes negros, [5] el guante derecho de ser un crushgaunt Mandaloriano montado alrededor de una de indestructibles amuletos Sith Lord Kaan, y modificado para incluir circuitos agarre-aumento. [16] [10] los guantes, o más exactamente guanteletes, también estaban hechas de un tejido de hierro Mandaloriano micronizada para proteger Vader contra golpes de refilón de sable de luz durante físicas sesiones de sparring terapia del paciente, así como desviar un golpe directo de un haz desintegrador. Los guantes, así como las botas, contenían cierres magnéticos que se acoplan a tubos de prótesis de Vader, con el fin de evitar que el equipo o la ropa se mueva durante el combate. Debido a las prótesis de Vader siendo efectivamente esquelético en la naturaleza, los guantes y las botas también contenían relleno para proporcionar definición, con el beneficio añadido de enemigos confusos en cuanto a qué partes de Vader eran cibernético. [10] Alrededor de toda su zona abdominal, que llevaban una plastoide faja que protegía sus órganos internos orgánicos y sintéticos, [8] y en la espalda, oculta por su capa, que llevaba una mochila negro mate. [17] [7] sobre su plexo solar, que llevaba una unidad de pecho que sirve para regular muchas de las funciones de soporte de vida de la demanda, incluyendo el estado de los sistemas cardiopulmonar y neurales de Vader. La caja de control en el pecho tenía tres franjas horarias, en relación con los datos de los sistemas de los nervios; sistemas respiratorios de datos; y los datos de los sistemas pulmonares para la parte superior, centro y ranuras inferiores, respectivamente, y varios botones rectangulares que adornan la pieza inusualmente vulnerable de maquinaria. El botón azul activó los trajes de automóviles funciones de control, mientras que el botón rojo, que se encuentra debajo del botón azul, activa anulación manual del traje. El interruptor de más a la derecha, que se encuentra en la parte inferior, actuó como un restablecimiento del sistema mientras que el resto de los cuatro interruptores situados en la parte inferior se programando placas táctiles. También había dos árboles situados a la izquierda ya la derecha de la caja de control, en calidad de los conjuntos de sensores de función vida. Las ranuras de datos aceptados RepMed obleas de datos Ix44a y Ix44ax tamaños, los cuales, cuando se inserta, subidas a menos de 200 milisegundos diagnósticos completos de todos los sistemas de juego para el mantenimiento mensual. La información de diagnóstico cargado, del mismo modo, se requiere para ser almacenada en un archivo permanente. Aunque el ordenador pecho y otros sistemas fueron diseñados para funcionar durante semanas, también eran recargable a través de dos puertos de acceso en la parte trasera de la caja torácica. El método más rápido de recarga de cables Conexión involucradas a un horno de fusión. [10] Su cinturón, que pasó por encima de su tabardo, y también fue en su mayoría negro, tenía tres cajas de metal alrededor de la parte delantera. El del medio tenía un broche de plata electromagnética adornándolo que incluye el botón de liberación y los sensores de audio. [10] Las otras dos cajas fueron bloques simétricos decorados con varios botones verdes, amarillas y grises. [5] El cuadro de la izquierda fueron los controles respiratorios , que contenía seis perillas grises para ajuste manual; un sistema de botón rojo indicador de activo; dos botones verdes componen de un interruptor de reinicio (izquierda) y un / palanca manual de auto (a la derecha); y una superficie rectangular gris que actuó como un respiradero CO2. El cuadro de la derecha fueron los controles de temperatura, que contiene dos botones verdes que tenían el mismo propósito que los botones verdes en los controles de las vías respiratorias; un conducto de la calefacción por debajo de los botones verdes; un botón indicador activo del sistema y botones de ajuste manual. El cierre también contenía un compartimiento que contiene una célula de energía de reserva en caso de emergencias, así como comunicador de copia de seguridad y un kit de herramientas para reparaciones traje simples. Armadura shin [10] negro brillante de Vader todo terreno botas de combate contenida de duracero [7] que bisagras en los lados del pie de la bota que le permita caminar. [5] las botas de suelas también contenían un núcleo ferromagnético que podría ser activado por los controles de la boca que funciona de Vader para generar un fuerte campo magnético similar al de cero-g trajes espaciales usados por los soldados de aferrarse a Starship cascos, y la armadura de la espinilla fue uno de los objetos más pesados en el montaje de la armadura. En particular, de la armadura de la espinilla duracero maquillaje también le hace invulnerable a ataques punzantes ni aerosoles metralla. La capa exterior, y en cierta medida, la túnica (siendo este último el 50%), fue hecho de armorweave, ya que proporciona protección frente a los daños ambientales y había suficiente luz para el movimiento adecuado. El cabo también actuó como un manto protector diseñado para bloquear los chorros de fuego y de ácido, lo que ayuda a proteger la electrónica del traje. Del mismo modo, la capa también minimiza la posibilidad de arena y otros contaminantes entren y potencialmente obstruir el filtro. [10]
La armadura también llegó en diez capas, cada una subdividida en tres capas principales. La primera capa primaria era una superficie de uno mismo-sellado una función similar a un traje Emnat estándar usado por la mayoría de los oficiales militares imperiales. La capa más externa era una cáscara aislante negro, y la capa interior era una matriz de gel de cristal Andwa. La segunda capa primaria tratada con protección contra impactos de choque físico debido al daño irreversible en el torso. La primera capa era Reifflex relleno celular que también fue utilizado para algunos cascos Stormtrooper; la segunda capa era un poco orthofabric; la tercera capa era de mylar laminado; la cuarta capa fue tejido de fibra polychlorophene-2; la capa final contenía traje de energía recargable. La tercera capa primaria relacionada con la presión y temperatura las funciones de regulación de la demanda. Las primeras prendas de presión Plastex capa contenida; la segunda capa relacionada con la estasis de la temperatura; la tercera capa era una funda de compresión. [10]
El interior de la máscara de Vader
A pesar de la gravedad de las lesiones de Vader permaneció oculto por su armadura presentimiento, se sabía que necesitaba un sistema de soporte vital avanzado para mantenerse con vida. [7] Este sistema de soporte de vida se integró en su armadura, liberando así Vader de las limitaciones inherentes en el equipo de soporte de vida externa. [5] Circuitos de todo el traje monitoreado cardíaco, respiratorio y los sistemas neuronales [8], y tres puertos de datos similares a ranuras ubicadas en la unidad de pecho de Vader permitido el acceso a la información de diagnóstico recogidos. Al igual que la armadura del Stormtrooper, el traje estaba equipado con un sistema de regulación de temperatura sensible, que podrán ser controlados por un cuadro de la función en el cinturón. Esta unidad era lo suficientemente potente como para permitir Vader a caminar por la superficie helada de Hoth sin ninguna protección adicional. Generadores de impulsos que atan las armaduras proporcionado impulsos eléctricos para estimular los músculos de Vader, que le proporcione una gran movilidad y fuerza a pesar de sus músculos destruidos y los nervios. [7] Para ampliar esto aún más, la fuerza y la constitución de Vader fueron impulsadas por los productos químicos creados con la alquimia Sith. Estos fueron proporcionados por el aparato de soporte de vida en su armadura, y fueron inyectados constantemente en él. [2]
Máscara de Vader fue una de las piezas más importantes de la armadura de Vader, y era vital para su supervivencia. Sin ella, moriría a menos que en la atmósfera a presión, controlada de una de sus cámaras de meditación especialmente hechos. [7] En el interior de la máscara eran muchas agujas que asomaban en su carne para interactuar con él. [18] La presión [19] casco supervisado y regulado la temperatura del cuerpo de Vader, contenía radiadores para difundir el calor generado por los sistemas eléctricos del traje, y contenía un sensor ambiental primaria que continuamente evalúa entorno de Vader para los peligros potenciales. Objetivos, filtran la luz que podría causar un mayor perjuicio a Vader de córneas dañadas y retinas.They también proporcionar visión infrarroja y ultravioleta, permitiendo a Vader para ver claramente en la oscuridad completa. Los sensores en el casco del Lord Sith de retransmisión de datos ambientales, que luego se muestran como lecturas periféricas. [7] Cuando pilotar una nave espacial, como la corbata personal prototipo Advanced x1 caza estelar, Vader podría deslizarse una segunda capa de protección para los ojos a través de los oculares de la máscara. [20]
En su haber, Vader llevaba dos pequeñas cajas de función del sistema: el uno a la derecha aparece un sistema de regulación de la temperatura y el otro a su izquierda contenía una matriz de sensores respiratoria. La hebilla del centro contó con una unidad de mejora de audio integrado en el cierre electromagnético [8] [7] de la banda del estado del sistema. [14] También se incluye en la hebilla del cinturón era una unidad de audio-mejora, el juego de herramientas pequeñas, de células de energía de repuesto, y comunicador de copia de seguridad. [7]
A medida que la demanda se duplicó como una armadura, se hizo el sistema de soporte de vida para ser un poco difícil, aunque los sistemas eléctricos en sí eran delicadas. [19] armadura de Vader fue construido alrededor de una faja plastoide que protege los órganos internos naturales y sintéticos [8] en su abdomen. [14] el corazón de Aunque Vader todavía funcionaba, [19] su pulso se reguló-máquina, de manera que no podía acelerar a menos que dirigido por la demanda. [21] armadura duracero Más visible [7] placas cubrían sus hombros, parte superior del cuerpo y espinillas. [8] sus guantes y el relleno en el pecho y los brazos consistía en armadura explosión de amortiguación, [7] y fueron hechos para ser impermeable al fuego [22] y bien protegido contra explosiones, [23] perforación, y envenenamiento. Además, el casco y la máscara mantendrán luz cegadora de él. [7] [21] Cuando se dañan, traje de presión de Vader auto-sellado contra heridas y quemaduras. [19]
Una vez sellada, la máscara de Vader y traje blindado podrían servir como un traje espacial hermético por lo menos durante un breve periodo de tiempo. Se basó en una fuente interna de oxígeno cuando voló su caza TIE en la Batalla de Yavin, [24] y que había sobrevivido a la exposición sorpresa al espacio durante los intentos de asesinato por parte de agentes imperiales amotinados. [25] [26] El traje en sí también parecía ser desmontables en su totalidad, ya que de vez en cuando Vader se lo quitó durante las sesiones de mantenimiento, junto con sus prótesis. [27]
Imperio Vol 3 043
El brazo derecho de Vader en 0 ABY
Prótesis de Vader y todas las funciones de la armadura fueron impulsados por docenas de células de energía recargables ubicadas en todo el traje de Vader que permitía viajar por largos períodos sin recargar su armadura. Incluso cuando las células de energía se agotan, que podía mantener las funciones básicas de soporte vital a través de las células de energía de reserva reemplazables. Típicamente, sin embargo, Vader recargar su traje dentro de una esfera de meditación, tales como el que se encuentra a bordo de su personal Acorazado Estelar, el Ejecutor, a pesar de que podría acceder a cualquier horno de fusión estándar para este propósito. [7] Además, varios implantes, se refirió a como un conjunto de implante central, se insertaron en cuatro de sus órganos. En particular, su implante cardiaco tomó el lugar de su corazón original y grandes artillerías por el bombeo de sangre; el implante circulatorio regula el flujo de sangre; y el implante respiratoria dispersa de oxígeno a través de los tejidos orgánicos. Todos estos implantes estaban conectados a través de un cable central gruesa a la computadora en el pecho, con un conjunto adicional de los cables que conectan los pulmones y la garganta que se añade desde dos horas y media de cirugía microscalpel. También poseía una empresa de reciclaje de residuos similares a las empleadas por los mineros de asteroides de larga distancia. Sin embargo, todos los vínculos eran defectuosos y poco fiables, lo que obliga a Vader a someterse a un mantenimiento frecuente de su traje y depender de especialistas médicos imperiales para el resto de su vida. DD-13 especuló que Palpatine permitió deliberadamente para estos defectos de diseño con el fin de mantener a Vader de rebelarse. [10]
A causa de sus heridas, la mayoría de los sentidos de Vader fueron irreparablemente dañados, por lo que fueron sustituidos por su armadura. Las gafas oscuras hemisféricas que cubrían sus ojos filtran la luz que podría haber causado más daño a sus córneas y retinas dañadas [19] y el aumento de su visión; [14] sin embargo, en modo mejorado los sensores ópticos [1] en las medias globos cambiado la luz hacia el extremo rojo del espectro. Su volumen le impidió ver la punta de sus botas sin inclinar la cabeza casi noventa grados. [19] Del mismo modo, los ojos de la máscara estaban tintadas de color rojo, así, [18] siendo visible bajo ciertas condiciones de iluminación. [28]
Varias pantallas en el interior del casco de Vader suministran el Lord Sith con un flujo constante de datos, ampliando su ya formidable conexión con la Fuerza. Revestimientos de los ojos de su casco siempre la visión infrarroja y ultravioleta, permitiendo Vader para ver con claridad incluso en completa oscuridad, y amortiguadores ofrecen defensa limitada contra los ataques sónicos. [7]
Los androides médicos habían reconstruido el cartílago de las orejas exteriores, pero sus tímpanos, haber derretido en el calor de Mustafar, había estado más allá de la reparación. Las ondas de sonido tenía que ser transmitida directamente a los implantes en su oído interno. [19] Además, Vader podría todavía oler de forma natural, pero la máscara que llevaba amplificado sus sentidos olfativos. [9]
Vader podría tomar alimentos por la boca, pero sólo cuando él estaba dentro de una cámara hiperbárica, ya que tuvo que quitarse la ventilación respiratoria triangular. Era, por tanto, más fácil de Vader para recibir alimentación a través de líquidos, por vía intravenosa y de otra manera, y se base en catéteres, bolsas de recogida y reciclado para hacer frente a los residuos líquidos y sólidos. [19] A pesar de los líquidos eran preferibles, él todavía tenía la capacidad de masticar si así lo deseaba, [29] aunque un alimento nutritivo proporcionado Vader con todos los nutrientes que requiere. [7] En el caso de que él no deseaba consumo oral, también ingieren RepMed vitapaste vía pajas situados en el interior de las rejillas de su mascarilla. [10 ] En público, Vader era conocido por afirmar que él nunca comió o bebió. [30]
Vader salto, usando sus nuevas y poderosas piernas
Lo que quedaba de sus extremidades reales terminó en bulbos de carne injertado, insertado en máquinas que activan el movimiento a través del uso de módulos que interconectado con sus terminaciones nerviosas dañadas. [19] Los muñones de cada extremidad orgánica se implantaron con enlaces neuronales que retransmiten los impulsos musculares entre el cerebro y las extremidades, lo que permite las extremidades para moverse bajo control consciente. Los servomotores igualmente fueron modelados después de la forma humana, lo que permite el movimiento y la rotación posible por diversas partes de una articulación, incluyendo las muñecas, los tobillos y los nudillos. Los pistones de las extremidades del mismo modo utilizan el fluido hidráulico para operar, y como tal, a menudo requiere una reposición de líquido, así como un reajuste de pistón cada seis meses, y de diagnóstico check-ins durante las sesiones mensuales de mantenimiento. [10] Sus apéndices mecánicos le proporcionaron más fuerza que la de un hombre común; él podría ajustar los servoaccionamientos y pistones en sus antebrazos para proporcionar sus manos con la fuerza suficiente para aplastar casi cualquier cosa que podían captar. Con el poder de sus brazos solo, que tenía la capacidad de levantar un adulto estar fuera de la tierra, a pesar de que siempre había sido capaz de hacerlo con la fuerza, sobre todo en momentos de rabia. [24] Al poner en uso, su mecánica las piernas le permitían saltar una distancia considerable. [19] Sus guantes se hicieron con un hierro micronizado único que podría desviar cualquier cosa menos que un golpe de sable de luz. [8]
Cuando Vader primero tuvo que caminar con sus nuevas piernas, tuvo que tomar, deliberados, pasos lentos ruido sordo. En el momento en que él estaba acostumbrado a sus nuevas piernas, sin embargo, conservó la marcha ruidosa, ya que "anunció" su venida, [9] aunque pronto se acercó de forma más natural. La aleación de duracero de baja de las piernas de Vader se ve reforzada por las tiras de armaduras similares a los que llenaron y dieron forma a la larga guante que Vader había llevado sobre su prótesis del brazo derecho; [19] estas prótesis en las piernas estaban protegidos por los chicharrones de traje de Vader . Las tiras de aleación se añadieron en altas horas de la cirugía, para permitir Vader para caminar con relativa normalidad después de simulaciones revelaron que sus acciones piernas protésicas sería ceder bajo el peso total de su armadura. [10] botas de Vader también se adhirieron a sus miembros artificiales [14 ] y las plantas podrían magnéticamente adherirse a los mamparos si Vader deseaba [26] -durante un intento de asesinato en el que Vader se puso en una cámara de aire abierta, sus botas quedaron plantados en el suelo, mientras que sus compañeros fueron succionados fuera del incumplimiento. Más tarde, sin embargo, dio un salto en el vacío de buen grado. [26]
Debido a la gran cantidad de masa de la armadura general contenida (la armadura del hombro solo pesaba 12.2 kg), Vader no suele funcionar, pero aún así fue capaz de hacerlo si es necesario. Además, todavía era capaz de usar la velocidad de la Fuerza, pero rara vez lo hacía. [19] [31]
Un primer plano de la calavera de Skywalker y la columna vertebral superior
La espalda de Vader, específicamente su columna vertebral, no era todo. [9] A pesar de sus lesiones en Mustafar no afectaron significativamente la columna vertebral, [1] que todavía se lesionó en la medida en que, junto con la cepa proyectada de la armadura de los hombros y la tarde cuello hermético -aprobada, los huesos originales tuvieron que ser reemplazados con componentes artificiales y estructuralmente superiores. [10] Esta Vader obligados a llevar un collar electrodo-tachonado de espesor que apoyó su casco para proteger los dispositivos cibernéticos que reemplazaron sus vértebras superior. [19 ] Las primeras vértebras de su cuello no eran naturales y su regularidad de bordes afilados sugiere que eran reemplazos cibernéticos. Hueso se rompe en la segunda y tercera vértebras, y posiblemente la primera y cuarta. La médula espinal en sí no se rompió por encima de la tercera o cuarta vértebra. El corte debe haber sido casi, pero no totalmente completa, ya que retiene la capacidad de respirar débilmente durante al menos unos pocos segundos sin ayuda. [5]
Vader breathing.ogg
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Respiración mecánica de Darth Vader
Casco de Vader era el centro del sistema de soporte de vida. Fue equipado con una bomba de aire, que estaba conectado a un sistema de filtro plano se usa en la espalda de Vader. En conjunto, la mochila y la bomba de aire reciclan continuamente aire purificado a través de los pulmones devastados de Vader. A, copia de seguridad del filtro de procesamiento de aire pequeño se encuentra en su parrilla boca distintivo [7], que también doble como un sistema de admisión de las vías respiratorias. [14] El sistema de soporte de vida de Vader también incluyó una unidad de panel de control computarizada de tórax desgastado que reguladas sus funciones respiratorias. [8] a partir de este panel en el pecho, un cable grueso entró en su torso, que une a un equipo de respiración y los latidos del corazón del regulador. El ventilador se implanta en el pecho terriblemente lleno de cicatrices, junto con los tubos que iban directamente a sus pulmones dañados, y otros que entraron en la garganta quemada, por lo que debe la placa del pecho o de control de cinturón de paneles de desarrollar un problema técnico, que podía respirar aire sin ayuda de un tiempo limitado de su boca, que no había sido quemado en la medida de su garganta. [19]
Un cuadro de la función de correa montado encuentra la matriz de sensor respiratoria responsable de controlar la respiración de Vader. [7] Su uso, Vader podría ajustar fácilmente los controles de su armadura para aumentar o disminuir su suministro de oxígeno. [29]
Vader, habiendo su aparato de traje y respiración instalado por primera vez
La respiración de Vader era máquina regulada, [21] pero su ritmo de respiración se aceleró durante el esfuerzo físico y podría ser anulado por las reacciones emocionales involuntarias. [29] Además, su respirador sería también dejó escapar una escofina tensa si se está realizando un esfuerzo extremo dejándolo exhausto o si una parte de su armadura se daña de manera significativa. Esto es especialmente evidente cuando Vader llegó a tener su brazo derecho cortado por Luke Skywalker en su duelo final. [5] El respirador ralentizado o acelerado en respuesta a los cambios en las funciones de su cuerpo restante, [19] pero Vader no pudo detener o contener la respiración, ni podía reducir la velocidad. [1] respiro de Vader funcionaba incluso mientras Vader estaba hablando. [5] Sin embargo, es evidente que un amortiguador o un dispositivo similar se habían instalado en su traje por 3 DBY, como él fue capaz de sorprender a Luke Skywalker en un pasaje oscuro cerca de la cámara de congelación de carbono en Bespin. Emboscada de Vader sólo fue posible debido a que podía calmar temporalmente su respiración ruidosa. [32]
Respiradero de Lord Vader fue gravemente dañado por la fuerza un rayo durante su lucha con el emperador. A pesar de que siguió funcionando hasta cierto punto, el sonido del mecanismo se redujo a una escofina tensa, lo que implica que el respirador se rompió. El sonido de respiración trabajosa persistió hasta su desenmascaramiento final. [5]
Su firma, la respiración mecánica trabajado fue el sonido del hierro de pulmón Vader se vio obligado a llevar. [8] Los androides médicos que habían hecho el traje se habían insertado los tubos de respiración redundantes suficientemente bajos para que, con la ayuda de un enunciador, su chamuscados cuerdas vocales aún podrían formar los sonidos y palabras [19] a través de un sintetizador de voz en la máscara. [11] en ausencia del enunciador en la boca de la parrilla de Vader, [14], que imparte un tono de bajo sintético, su propia voz era poco más que un susurro . Aunque limitado por lo que el respirador podría hacer, Vader todavía podría hacer su respirador aproximar una risa o un suspiro. [19]
Vader era capaz de hablar, incluso cuando desenmascarado poco antes de la destrucción de la segunda Estrella de la Muerte. La debilidad de su voz era probablemente debido en parte a su dificultad para respirar y la interna heridas mortales y daños en sus sistemas cibernéticos infligidas por el Emperador. [5]
Esqueleto y systemEdit nervioso
Ni siquiera el esqueleto y los nervios de Vader se salvaron de la reconstrucción.
Though the extent of Vader's injuries remained concealed by his foreboding armor, it was known that he required an advanced life-support system to stay alive.[7] This life-support system was integrated into his armor, thus freeing Vader of the limitations inherent in external life-support equipment.[5] Circuitry throughout the suit monitored cardiac, respiratory, and neural systems[8], and three slot-like dataports located on Vader's chest unit allowed access to collected diagnostic information. Like Stormtrooper armor, the suit was equipped with a sensitive temperature-regulation system, which could be controlled by a function box on his belt. This unit was powerful enough to allow Vader to walk the surface of icy Hothwithout any additional protection. Impulse generators lacing the armor provided electrical impulses to stimulate Vader's muscles, providing him with great mobility and strength despite his destroyed muscles and nerves.[7] To amplify this even more, Vader's strength and constitution were boosted by chemicals created withSith alchemy. These were provided by the life-support apparatus in his armor, and were constantly injected into him.[2]
Vader's mask was one of the most important pieces of Vader's armor, and was vital to his survival. Without it, he would die unless in the pressurized, controlled atmosphere of one of his specially-made meditation chambers.[7] Inside the mask were many needles that poked into his flesh to interface with him.[18] The pressurized[19] helmet monitored and regulated Vader's body temperature, contained radiators to diffuse heat generated by the suit's electrical systems, and contained a primary environmental sensor that continually evaluated Vader's surroundings for potential hazards. Lenses filter out light that could cause further injury to Vader's damaged corneas and retinas.They also provide infrared and ultraviolet vision, enabling Vader to see clearly in complete darkness. Sensors in the Sith Lord's helmet relay environmental data, which is then displayed as peripheral readouts.[7] When piloting a starship, such as his personal TIE Advanced x1 prototype starfighter, Vader could slide a second layer of eye shields across the mask's eyepieces.[20]
On his belt, Vader wore two small system function boxes: the one on his right featured a temperature regulation system and the one on his left contained a respiratory sensor matrix. The center buckle featured an audio enhancement unit built into the electromagnetic clasp[8][7] of the system status belt.[14] Also included in the belt buckle was an audio-enhancement unit, small tool kit, spare energy cell, and backup comlink.[7]
As the suit doubled as armor, the life-support system was made to be somewhat tough, though the electrical systems themselves were delicate.[19] Vader's armor was built around a plastoid girdle that protected the natural and synthetic internal organs[8] in his abdomen.[14] Though Vader's heart still functioned,[19] his pulse was machine-regulated so that it could not quicken unless directed by the suit.[21] More visible durasteel armor[7] plates covered his shoulders, upper body and shins.[8] His gloves and the padding on his chest and arms consisted of blast-dampening armor,[7] and were made to be impervious to fire[22] and well-protected against explosions,[23] piercing, and poisoning. In addition, his helmet and mask kept light from blinding him.[7][21] When damaged, Vader's pressure suit self-sealed against wounds and burns.[19]
Once sealed, Vader's mask and armored suit could serve as an airtight spacesuit for at least a short time. He relied on an internal oxygen supply when he flew his TIE fighter in the Battle of Yavin,[24] and he had survived surprise exposure to space during assassination attempts by mutinous Imperial officers.[25][26] The suit itself also appeared to be removable in it's entirety, as Vader occasionally removed it during maintenance sessions along with his prosthetic limbs.[27]
Vader's prosthetic limbs and all of the armor's functions were powered by dozens of rechargeable energy cells located throughout the suit that allowed Vader to travel for long stretches without recharging his armor. Even when the energy cells were depleted, he could maintain basic life-support functions through replaceable backup power cells. Typically, however, Vader recharged his suit within a meditation sphere, such as the one located aboard his personal Star Dreadnought, the Executor—although he could access any standard fusion furnace for this purpose.[7] In addition, several implants, referred to as a central implant cluster, were inserted into four of his organs. In particular, his cardiac implant took the place of his original heart and major artilleries by pumping blood; the circulatory implant regulated blood flow; and the respiratory implant disperses oxygen throughout the organic tissues. All of these implants were connected via a thick central cable to the chest computer, with an additional set of cables connecting the lungs and throat being added in from two and a half hours of microscalpel surgery. It also possessed a waste recycler similar to those employed by long-haul asteroid miners. However, all of the linkages were faulty and unreliable, thus forcing Vader to undergo frequent maintenance of his suit and be dependent on Imperial medical specialists for the rest of his life. DD-13 speculated that Palpatine deliberately allowed for these design flaws in order to keep Vader from rebelling.[10]
Because of his injuries, most of Vader's senses were irreparably damaged, and thus were replaced by his armor. The dark hemispherical goggles that covered his eyes filtered out light that might have caused further injury to his damaged corneas and retinas[19] and enhanced his vision;[14] however, in enhanced mode the optical sensors[1] in the half-globes shifted the light toward the red end of the spectrum. Its bulkiness prevented him from seeing the toes of his boots without tilting his head almost ninety degrees.[19] Similarly, the mask's eyes were tinted red as well,[18] this being visible under certain lighting conditions.[28]
Various displays inside Vader's helmet supplied the Sith Lord with a steady stream of data, amplifying his already formidable connection to the Force. His helmet's eye coverings provided infrared and ultraviolet vision, allowing Vader to see clearly even in complete darkness, and dampeners offered limited defense against sonic attacks.[7]
The medical droids had rebuilt the cartilage of his outer ears, but his eardrums, having melted in Mustafar's heat, had been beyond repair. Sound waves had to be transmitted directly to implants in his inner ear.[19] Also, Vader could still smell naturally, but the mask he wore amplified his olfactory senses.[9]
Vader could take food through his mouth, but only when he was inside a hyperbaric chamber, since he had to remove his triangular respiratory vent. It was therefore easier for Vader to receive nourishment through liquids, intravenous and otherwise, and to rely on catheters, collection pouches, and recyclers to deal with liquid and solid waste.[19] Though liquids were preferable, he still had the capacity to chew if he wished,[29] though a nutrient feed provided Vader with all the nourishment he required.[7] In the event that he did desire oral consumption, he also ingest RepMed vitapaste via straws located inside the grills of his facemask.[10] In public, Vader was known to claim that he never ate or drank.[30]
What remained of his real limbs ended in bulbs of grafted flesh, inserted into machines that triggered movement through the use of modules that interfaced with his damaged nerve endings.[19] The stumps of each organic limb were implanted with neural links that relayed muscle impulses between the brain and the limbs, allowing for the limbs to move under conscious control. The servomotors likewise were modeled after the human form, allowing for movement and rotation possible for various joint parts including the wrists, ankles and knuckles. The limb pistons likewise utilized hydraulic fluid to operate, and as such often requires a replenishment of fluid as well as a piston realignment every six months, and diagnostic check-ins during the monthly maintenance sessions.[10] His mechanical appendages provided him with more strength than that of an ordinary man; he could adjust the servodrivers and pistons in his forearms to provide his hands with enough strength to crush nearly anything they could grasp. With the power of his arms alone, he had the ability to lift an adult being off the ground, though he had always been able to do so with the Force, especially in moments of rage.[24] When put to use, his mechanical legs would allow him to leap a considerable distance.[19] His gloves were made with a unique micronized iron that could deflect anything short of a lightsaber blow.[8]
When Vader first had to walk with his new legs, he had to take slow, deliberate, thudding steps. By the time he was accustomed to his new legs, however, he retained the noisy gait, as it "announced" his coming,[9] though he soon walked more naturally. The durasteel alloy of Vader's lower legs were enhanced by strips of armor similar to those that filled and gave form to the long glove that Vader had worn over his right-arm prosthesis;[19] these leg prostheses were protected by the greaves of Vader's suit. The alloy strips were added in late into the surgery, to allow for Vader to walk relatively normally after simulations revealed that his stock prosthetic legs would buckle under the overall weight of his armor.[10]Vader's boots also adhered to his artificial limbs[14] and the soles could magnetically adhere to bulkheads if Vader wished[26]—during an assassination attempt in which Vader was put into an open airlock, his boots remained planted to the floor while his companions were sucked out of the breach. Later, however, he jumped into the void willingly.[26]
Because of the large amount of mass the overall armor contained (the shoulder armor alone weighed 12.2 kg), Vader did not often run, but was still capable of doing so if necessary. In addition, he was still capable of using Force speed, but rarely did so.[19][31]
Vader's back, specifically his spine, was not whole.[9] Although his injuries on Mustafar did not significantly affect the spine,[1] it still was injured to the extent that, coupled with the projected strain of the shoulder armor and the later-adopted hermetic collar, the original bones had to be replaced with artificial and structurally superior components.[10] This forced Vader to wear a thick electrode-studded collar that supported his helmet to safeguard the cybernetic devices that replaced his upper vertebrae.[19] The first few vertebrae of his neck were not natural and their sharp-edged regularity suggests that they were cybernetic replacements. Bone was broken at the second and third vertebrae, and possibly the first and fourth. The spinal cord itself was not broken above the third or fourth vertebra. The severing must have been nearly but not totally complete, as he retained the ability to breathe weakly for at least a few seconds unaided.[5]
Vader's helmet was the center of the life-support system. It was fitted with an air pump, which was connected to a flat filter system worn on Vader's back. Together, the backpack and the air pump continuously cycled purified air through Vader's ravaged lungs. A small, back-up air-processing filter was located in his distinctive mouth grill[7], which also doubled as a respiratory intake system.[14] Vader's life-support system also included a chest-worn, computerized control panel unit that regulated his respiratory functions.[8]From this chest panel, a thick cable entered his torso, linking to a breathing apparatus and heartbeat regulator. The ventilator was implanted in his terribly scarred chest, along with tubes that ran directly into his damaged lungs, and others that entered his burned throat, so that should the chest plate or belt control panels develop a glitch, he could breathe unassisted air for a limited time out of his mouth, which had not been burned to the extent of his throat.[19]
A belt-mounted function box housed the respiratory sensor matrix responsible for controlling Vader's breathing.[7] Using it, Vader could easily adjust the controls on his armor to increase or decrease his supply of oxygen.[29]
Vader, having his suit and breathing apparatus installed for the first time
Vader's breathing was machine-regulated,[21] but his pace of breathing quickened during physical exertion and could be overridden by involuntary emotional reactions.[29] In addition, his respirator would also let out a strained rasp if undergoing extreme exertion rendering him exhausted or if part of his armor is significantly damaged. This is especially evident when Vader ended up having his right arm cut off by Luke Skywalker in their final duel.[5] The respirator slowed down or sped up in response to changes in his remaining body's functions,[19] but Vader was unable to stop it or hold his breath, nor could he slow it.[1] Vader's breather functioned even while Vader was speaking.[5] However, it is apparent that a dampener or similar device had been installed into his suit by 3 ABY, as he was able to surprise Luke Skywalkerin a dark passage near the carbon-freezing chamber on Bespin. Vader's ambush was only possible because he could temporarily quiet his loud breathing.[32]
Lord Vader's breather was seriously damaged by Force lightning during his struggle with the Emperor. Although it continued to operate to some extent, the sound of the mechanism was reduced to a strained rasp, implying that the respirator was broken. The labored breathing sound persisted until his final unmasking.[5]
His signature, labored mechanical breathing was the sound of the iron lung Vader was forced to wear.[8] The med droids that had made the suit had inserted the redundant breathing tubes low enough so that, with the aid of an enunciator, his scorched vocal cords could still form sounds and words[19] through a voice synthesizer in the mask.[11] Absent from the enunciator in Vader's mouth grill,[14] which imparted a synthetic bass tone, his own voice was little more than a whisper. Though limited by what the respirator could do, Vader could still make his respirator approximate a laugh or a sigh.[19]
Vader was able to speak even when unmasked shortly before the destruction of the second Death Star. The weakness of his voice was probably partly due to his breathing difficulty and the internal mortal wounds and damage to his cybernetic systems inflicted by the Emperor.[5]
Not even Vader's skeleton and nerves were spared from the reconstruction. In addition to the partial replacement of Vader's spine, the ribcage was also partially removed for the installment of the organ implants, with the sternum being replaced with a perforated metal plate accommodating the cables running to the chest computer, and at least one of his shoulder joints (the right one) being required to undergo partial prosthetic replacement. The remaining organic bones were likewise artificially modified via a tensile-strength augmentation through mineral solutions dripping through the nutrient feeds. In addition, the right collarbone was also installed with a cartridge that injects a synthetic neurotoxin called Kouhunin, derived from the Kouhun centipedes, to lessen Vader's perception of pain to a small degree.[10]
The nervous system sustained the least amount of damage from his injuries at Mustafar, although it nonetheless was implanted with sensor webs tracing activity running through the cerebellum along the spinal cord to the sensory and motor neurons so it can be constantly and closely monitored. As such, if the neurons were somehow unable for any reason to send signals to the metallic prosthetics, Vader will be rendered immobile, with a programmed alert being sent to the EmPal SuRecon via hyperwave signal. The muscle fibers were also modified to have electrical impulse generators embedded inside as a means to stimulate damaged tissue.[10]
Anakin Skywalker appears Vision of the future people as the Sith Lord he would later become.
Nearly a decade before his death, the Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, and his apprentice, Darth Sidious, committed an act that directly violated the nature of the Force. To advance their plan for galactic domination, the two Sith attempted to will a being of their own design into existence, pouring their abhorrent intent into waves through the Force to the countless midi-chlorians that were spread throughout the galaxy. The experiment failed, however, and the midi-chlorians, not willing to obey, not only frustrated Plagueis' attempts, but countered in reprisal, conceiving a child within the slave Shmi Skywalker.
Years later, during the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker along with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano discovered the Mortis monolith while answering an ancient Jedi distress call deep in space. However their ship had been damaged when Anakin had crash landed it, so the Jedi were stranded on the world of Mortis. Skywalker, not convinced that the Son could be easily contained on the planet, returned on a speeder to see the Father, offering his help in killing the Son. The Father directed him toward the Well of the dark side with the warning not to underestimate the Son. On the way, Skywalker encountered an apparition of Qui-Gon Jinn. Skywalker confided his doubts to the apparition about what he should do with the Son. The Force spirit told him to trust his instincts and that he would find a way.
When he arrived at the "well," he confronted the Son only to have his lightsaber pulled out of his hand. The Son then offered to show him the future. Skywalker tried to resist, but could not keep out the visions that assaulted his mind. He saw himself killing younglings, choking Amidala as she begged for mercy, the true face of Sidious, fighting Kenobi, destroying Alderaan, and his transformation to Darth Vader. He eventually fell to his knees while the smoke behind him formed the shape of the face of Darth Vader. Skywalker collapsed, close to tears and horrified at the revelation of the monster he would become, knowing he would go on to do terrible things. The Son agreed, but offered a way to change the future he saw, asking again for Skywalker to join him. Skywalker hesitated, but then submitted at the promise of peace.
Shortly before the Battle of Coruscant, Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were sent to the icy planet of Nelvaan to seek out Grievous. The Nelvaanianshailed Skywalker as "Ghost Hand," and Orvos, the shaman of Rokrul village, sent him on a quest to save their people from a threat that had vanquished all their previous champions. Skywalker agreed, and entered a cave where he experienced visions of a great hunter, who lost his arm in battle. However, he fought back, and continued to slay monsters with a new black, spiky arm. As he slew the monsters, his power grew until it was out of control, the spiky black arm turning into a spiny black labyrinth that encompassed and destroyed everything the warrior held dear. Padmé Amidala's voice was screaming as the sinister black labyrinth of evil that had once been the great warrior's arm turned back upon the source and morphed what remained of the great hunter into an eerie face—the face of Darth Vader, whom Skywalker would soon become.[33]
Not long after his return to Coruscant after the Battle of Coruscant, Skywalker gave in to Palpatine's temptation to turn to the dark side and was dubbed Darth Vader.[1] Darth Sidious commanded his new apprentice to go to the planet of Mustafar and kill the Separatist Council—and supposedly bring peace to the new Galactic Empire. On Mustafar, the corrupted Vader then began his massacre of the Separatist Council. Not long after, Padmé's ship landed outside the bunker, and he ran to meet her. Unbeknownst to her, Kenobi had stowed away on her ship to find Vader, and at that moment appeared from the ship. Kenobi tried to reason with his former pupil, but Vader refused to listen. Vader and Kenobi fought an intense battle throughout the mining complex and down the river of lava outside. The battle ended on the banks of a lava river, where Vader was severely maimed and immobilized by Kenobi's blade, which severed his legs and his left arm.[1]
Palpatine finds Vader's ravaged body.
The defeated Vader fell onto a slope of volcanic sand, and slid helplessly to the edge of a lava river. With his body crippled, Vader tried to claw his way up the bank, using only his remaining prosthetic limb but his body was ignited due to heat that radiated from the flow and his lungs were scorched by the hot gases he inhaled, which included ko-shol gasses that were of high concentration on the planet. As the flames started to subside, Vader kept himself alive with the dark side of the Force,[1] his rage,[2] and his unbreakable will, clawing his way back up the bank with his still intact mechanical arm, struggling against his extreme injuries.[1] His injuries were severe, with the lower half of his body being more extensively affected.[34] His lungs had been irreparably scarred, and were now mostly dead alveoli and constricted passages.[29]
Darth Sidious, newly declared Emperor of the Galactic Empire, soon arrived and snatched what remained of Vader's body from the bank of the lava river, placing him on a medical capsule and willing him to live. He then took Vader back to Coruscant, repairing the damage to Vader's body through intensive cybernetic enhancements[1] with help from arcane Sith healing techniques[17] at the newly renamed Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. He was repaired and rebuilt over a period of several days[1] by a hyper-sophisticated Ubrikkian prototype DD-13 medical assistant droidnamed DD-13/HK, a 2-1B surgical droid by the name of 2-1B/DRX, and an enhanced FX-6 medical assistant droid. The Ubrikkian "Galactic Chopper" DD-13/HK oversaw the installation of his cybernetic implants, prosthetic limbs, and synthetic organs and the FX-6 performed numerous blood transfusions and stabilized the terrible damage done to Vader's eyes, vocal cords, scalp, face, arms, legs, and especially his lungs.[14] Both droids spent much time connecting Vader's severed nerve endings to his new robotic parts.[17] The surgery was also less than pleasant; 2-1B/DRX deliberately did not perform reconstructive cosmetic surgery to Vader's face, as it would be hidden behind the mask. The process included 8 hours to supply artificial implants to his internal organs, 2.5 of which were dedicated to implementing the linkages. Budgetary limitations and lack of effective equipment imposed by the Empire also acted as a factor to the shoddy attempts at repair, with DD-13/HK also speculating that the limitations may have been deliberately orchestrated by the Emperor in order to ensure Vader didn't rebel. 2-1B/DRX likewise ordered for Vader's helmet to be waxed with woodoo hide in the hopes that the resulting shine would distract Palpatine from the shortcuts they were forced to implement during the surgery. In addition, the blackened and dead flesh on Vader's scalp that was exposed to the heat of Mustafar was surgically removed, although the scarring itself penetrated to his bones.[10]
During his first few months of living in the suit, Vader felt trapped by it, but after a short while he had learned to use it for both intimidation and isolation. It allowed him to feel separate from all the beings around him.[35] At times he enjoyed having his black suit, as it gave him a menacing presence that garnered respect and fear. Also because of his suit, Vader felt a kind of kinship with the clone troopers because they, too, were seemingly dependent on their armor, and were almost never seen without it.[9] To compensate for his lack of facial and eye expressions, Vader learned to use simple body language.[22]
On one occasion early on in Vader's career as a Sith, Palpatine threatened to use Force lightning against him when Vader expressed displeasure with a dressing-down Palpatine was giving him. Palpatine revealed on that occasion that he was well aware that the delicate circuitry that allowed Vader's life support systems to function was vulnerable to electrical discharges.[19] Vader would later outfit his armor with electrical insulation.
Not long after his reconstruction, Vader fought a Jedi named Bol Chatak on Murkhana, and because of Vader having to suddenly readjust his style due to his injuries, the Zabrak managed to injure him before Vader killed her. She had cut Vader's left forearm through the shielding that filled out his glove and had melted some of the artificial ligaments that allowed his hand to pronate. Vader was able to fix some of it himself with a fine-point laser cutter by removing flaps of armorweave fabric that had been fused by the heat to the alloy beneath, and the forearm was later completely repaired at the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction center.[19]
Because of the extensive mechanics of his armor, he was once mistaken by the droid C-3PO to be a new model of guard droid during one of the Emperor's Ball ceremonies, resulting in the Sith Lord sentencing the protocol droid to work as a preschool attendant for a year as punishment.[36][37]
A glimpse at some of the mechanisms within Vader's mask, as shown after his fight onKessel.
Vader's right hand was again cut off during his fight at the Conclave on Kessel when he was searching for Kenobi. Through the Force, he picked up the mechanical hand, still grasping a cortosis blade, and used it to killKoffi Arana. During the ensuing fight, Vader's suit was damaged and torn open at the left shoulder, lower arm, back, and both of his upper legs, yet he did not seem weakened; soon afterwards he could stand and function. When all except Tsui Choi had been killed, the desperate Jedi threw his lightsaber at Vader. As the Sith Lord deflected it back to kill the Jedi, it sliced a bit into his mask, but afterward he seemed to have no trouble breathing.[38]
Later, Darth Vader hired Boba Fett to capture an Imperial named Abal Karda and, more importantly, the box he would be found carrying, not letting the bounty hunter know it was a trap. Vader followed Fett to Maryx Minor and the two engaged in battle over control of the box. Boba Fett shot Darth Vader in the forehead during this duel, but it merely scraped his helmet, not penetrating.[39]
When Vader dueledGalen Marek on board the half-completed first Death Star, Marek finished the duel by hurling an energy field generator at Vader with the Force. The generator exploded on contact with Vader and caused severe damage to his armor and life support systems. However, he was still capable of functioning despite the damage. In addition, despite the destruction of most of his mask, his vocoder remained intact.[31]
When an uprising of several Falleen tried to assassinate Vader for what he had done to their homeworld, Xora stabbed Vader in the torso, next to his chest plate. The injury did not seem to faze him in the least. During the same fight, he was shot in the left shoulder, which also did not slow him.[40]
Vader's armor sustained heavy damage against Marek.
After being forced to crash-land on Vaal after the destruction of the first Death Star, Vader was attacked by several of the native creatures, who ripped his cape, his suit, and his right glove, showing the metallic arm beneath. By this time, Vader had lost his entire right arm.[41]
During the duel with his son on Cloud City, Luke managed to score a strike on Vader's right arm, causing him some degree of pain. However, it was not enough to hinder Vader who cut Luke's hand off shortly after.
Aboard the second Death Star, Vader confronted and fought his son, Luke, losing to him when the youth sliced off his right hand. However, seeing what he had done, Luke forfeited the fight, throwing away his lightsaber and refusing to go on. Upon seeing this, Palpatine began to pelt Luke with Force lightning, until his father was so overcome with emotion that he (no longer Darth Vader, but Anakin Skywalker) picked up the Emperor and threw him into a deep pit, getting jolted with intense amounts of Force lightning in the process and short-circuiting his life-support. The lightning that lashed Anakin was of a lethal intensity: the energies that Palpatine had previously used to strike Luke were less powerful, intended merely to cause agony and torment. When Anakin seized him, Palpatine intensified his output, with the intention of finishing Luke. These discharges were absorbed by Anakin rather than his son. The remarkable intensity of these final energetic bursts—exceeding the shocks that had tormented Luke—was evident in the way they heated Anakin's bones enough for them to glow visibly through his flesh and clothing. Anakin's life support system shorted out just after he threw Palpatine down the reactor shaft of the Death Star's tower throne room, leaving Anakin mortally injured and paralyzed due to the absence of power for his suit. Luke then attempted to help his father out, eventually resorting to dragging him to his shuttle. However, Anakin realized that regardless of his son's efforts, he could not be saved from death, and requested that Luke remove his mask so he can see his son without the lens filters.[5]
After Anakin's death and the subsequent destruction of the second Death Star, the suit was ceremonially burned on a pyre on Endor by Luke.[5] Seven years later, the young Kyp Durron, an apprentice of the New Jedi Order, uncovered the remains of Vader's armor during his struggle with the spirit of Exar Kun, a long-deceased Dark Lord of the Sith. The bonfire had completely incinerated Vader's uniform, leaving only a jumble of heat-warped bits of plasteel, wires and tatters of the armorweave cloak.[42]
The logs for the armor's construction and Vader's surgery were later recovered from the memory logs of 2-1B/DRX and DD-13/HK. The armor and the reconstruction was later remarked upon as being a story of medical skill, scientific ingenuity and brutal reality, especially compared to the cyborg reconstruction methods used to create General Grievous years prior. It was also speculated that the results would have been even more impressive if not for constraints imposed by the Empire's budgetary issues.[10]
The right glove of his suit remained intact when the Death Star II exploded, having been ensnared within a piece of the wreckage that landed on the watery world of Mon Calamari. This wreckage had been pulled through a wormhole created by the explosion of the hypermatter in the Death Star's core. In 5 ABY, Kadann, a Prophet of the Dark Side, foretold that a new Emperor would soon arise, and on his hand he would wear the glove of Darth Vader. Unlike the left-hand glove, the right glove was made to be indestructible, a symbol of evil that would survive forever. After Luke cut off Darth Vader's right hand in their lightsaber duel, the glove was believed to have been hurled out into space when the Death Star exploded.[6]
When a humanoid mutant named Trioculus tried to gain control of what remained of the Empire, The Prophets of the Dark Side would not allow it because he did not have the glove, so he set out to find it. Though he already had loyalty from many of the Grand Moffs, he sought the glove to quiet any remaining doubts about him. Trioculus was determined to find Vader's glove before any other contender for the throne did, and in doing so win the support of Kadann. He ordered the Moffs to begin a galaxy-wide search for the glove using probe droids, first sending the droids to the forest moon of Endor to scan the area, as that was the place the glove was most likely to rest—if anywhere at all. As faith in Trioculus began to diminish among his supporters, the warlord grew desperate. However, he had a stroke of luck when an Imperial agent, Captain Dunwell, discovered several pieces of the Death Star's debris near the Seascape Mountains, in the Valley of the Giant Oysters on Mon Calamari, one of which had revealed the outline of a glove when scanned.[6]
Trioculus and Bertroff Hissa immediately set out for Mon Calamari, where they were greeted by Dunwell at his Whaladon Processing Center, a poaching operation for the native sentient Whaladon species. In his Whaladon-hunting submarine, Dunwell took Trioculus and Hissa to the site of the wreckage. Secretly followed by Luke Skywalker and Admiral Ackbar in a Calamarian minisub, Trioculus retrieved the glove. When Skywalker and Ackbar's minisub was accidentally captured by one of Dunwell's Whaladon-capturing devices, Skywalker infiltrated the vessel and triggered its self-destruct. Trioculus and Hissa narrowly escaped, the warlord vowing to have his vengeance on Skywalker.[6]
The gauntlet's value as a symbol was of little use to the three-eyed mutant, but its potential for use as a weapon was considered to be incalculable. It was his belief that the glove was actually a mystical relic that provided its wearer with the ability to telekinetically attack others from a distance, as Trioculus was ignorant of the fact that this ability was an aspect of Vader's aptitude with the Force, and had nothing at all to do with his glove—something he later found out. As a result of this discovery, he had his droid, MD-5, outfit the glove with technology that could simulate Vader's Force Choke by making whomever it was pointed at gasp and fall to their knees. After this, their eardrums would explode and their brains would disintegrate. However, he soon abandoned its use after discovering that utilizing it too often resulted in periods of blindness—as well as withering his hand. Trioculus then commanded that his servants create an exact replica of the glove,[6] and he later disposed of it, leaving its whereabouts unknown. However, the Bimm merchant Glah Ubooki later claimed he had recovered it.[43]
"You are so far less now than what you were, you are more than half machine, you are like a painter gone blind, a composer gone deaf, you can remember where the power was but the power you can touch is only a memory…"
Having had so much experience with mechanics, Vader was dismayed by the incompetence of the medical droids responsible for his resurrection in Sidious' laboratory on Coruscant. The technology in the suit was already obsolete, having been used to rebuild and create General Grievous decades earlier. While he retained his knowledge of the Jedi arts, he began to feel uncertain about his place in the Force, and while he had taken his first steps toward awakening the power of the dark side, he felt uncertain about his ability to sustain that power.[19] He knew that he was hampered by his injuries, and knew he never could achieve his full potential because of it.[44] At times, Vader wondered if Darth Sidious had purposely designed the armor to restrict him.[19]
Vader grieves over the death of his wife.
There were many problems with his armor. The synthskin that substituted for what was seared from his bones itched incessantly, and his body needed to be periodically cleansed and scrubbed of necrotic flesh, and the incessant rasp of his breathing interfered with his ability to rest, let alone sleep. In the rare moments it came to him, Vader's sleep was a nightmarish jumble of twisted, recurrent memories that unfolded to excruciating sounds,[19] and when he attempted to rest, his cybernetic limbs strained against his ruined flesh.[45] Sounds registered as if issuing from underwater. Worse, the implanted sensors lacked sufficient discrimination, so that too many ambient sounds were picked up, and their distance and direction were difficult to determine. Sometimes the sensors needled him with feedback, or attached echo or vibrato effects to even the faintest noise.[19]
The pectoral armor that protected the artificial lung weighed him down, as did the electrode-studded collar that supported the oversized helmet, the delicate systems of the mask, and the ragged scars in his hairless head, which owed as much to what he had endured on Mustafar as to attempts at emergency trepanation during the trip back to Coruscant aboard Sidious's shuttle. The weighty cloak and pectoral plating so restricted his movement that he had difficulty lifting his arms over his head,[19] only doing so when necessary, such as when Boba Fett set off the smoke detonator that nearly blew Vader off the edge of a cliff on Maryx Minor. In order to survive, Vader was forced to hold onto the ledge with his hands above his head.[39] As well, Vader still had the capacity to shrug.[20]
The sleeves of the bodysuit didn't hug the prostheses as they should, and the elbow-length gloves sagged and bunched at his wrists. Only the right arm prosthesis that he had received as a Jedi felt natural to him, since he had customized it to fit his needs. The pneumatic mechanisms that supplied articulation and support were sometimes slow to respond.[19]As a result of having artificial arms, Darth Vader fashioned Force lightning to suit this handicap preferring to use it as a last resort also because of the delicate life support he was more vulnerable to it.[14] Vader would attempt to compensate for this vulnerability to Force lightning by upgrading the armor with some sort of insulation,[46] though this was only partial protection.
The monitoring panel beeped frequently and for no reason, the lights seeming to serve only as steady reminders of his vulnerability. His electrical systems were woefully delicate, and he was forced to protect his vital chest panel when dueling.[19] This system was so vulnerable that Antinnis Tremayne was once able to deactivate Vader's entire suit by pressing one button on his chest control plate.[47]
Instead of using durasteel for his leg prosthesis, the medical droids had substituted an inferior alloy, and had failed to inspect the strips that protected the electromotive lines. As a result, the inner lining of the pressurized bodysuit was continually snagging on places where the strips were anchored to knee and ankle joints. Additionally, the tall boots were a poor fit for his artificial feet, whose toes lacked the electrostatic sensitivity of his equally false fingertips. These devices made it even more difficult for him to move with ease, much less with any grace. Raised in the heel, the cumbersome footwear canted him slightly forward, forcing him to move with exaggerated caution lest he stumble or topple over. Worse, they were so heavy that he often felt rooted to the ground, or as if he were moving in high gravity. He even felt that he needed to use the Force to move,[19] though he eventually grew used to it.[9] As a result of his large body and abnormal needs, Vader had to have a custom airspeeder made for him to drive comfortably in.[44]
As of 0 BBY, Vader was given an opportunity to have a new suit built for him. This suit would have been far more advanced, technologically superior, and much more comfortable than his original. However, to be placed into this new suit, Vader would have to have had his prosthetics disconnected and his life support systems temporarily disabled. Since the process was considered far too risky, and most likely would result in his death, the idea was abandoned.[48]
Because of the limitations of his suit, Vader was forced to modify his lightsaber form. At first, Vader's combat techniques were clumsy, and utilized mostly vertical strikes. However, he began to use his height and power to his advantage. At first, Vader lacked a style of his own, and executed his moves stiffly. Being well-practiced, Vader began to use an assortment of lightsaber techniques, and from all techniques of combat, even from the highest, most dangerous levels. To complement this, he used crisp, unpredictable moves. Because of his limitations, Vader was forced to employ a more strategizing take on lightsaber combat, using more precise and economical moves, and utilizing his height and strength to force his opponents back. To compensate for the difficulty of lifting his arms above his head, he had to adapt his lightsaber technique accordingly. Due to the vulnerability of his chest panel, Vader had to customize his style to protect this vital system.[19]
Vader in a combat ready stance
Although he had access to lightsaber resistant cortosis, Vader relied on his own skill with the weapon to protect himself from Jedi attacks.[7] After some personal training, Vader became faster and more agile while dueling, making better use of his power than he had been before.[19] To further sharpen his abilities, he frequently sparred with increasingly newer and better droids, sometimes several at a time.[29]
Vader could still easily deflect blaster bolts with his lightsaber, such as onMurkhana when Climber and the rest of Ion Team tried to escape punishment from Vader by shooting at him.[19]
To make up for his relative lack of mobility, Vader often threw his lightsaber when at a distance, sometimes spinning it swiftly through the Force like a deadly boomerang. He would also, at times, allow his dueling opponent to vent, allowing them to believe that they were driving him back when he was actually letting them wear themselves out before disarming them in one rapid motion. In addition, he used his talents in the Force to throw items at his opponents during his duels.[19][32]
Vader utilized a two-handed grip on his lightsaber,[19] though he could fight with one of either of his hands, as shown when his right hand was cut off during his fight at the Conclave on Kessel.[38] As a stance used while waiting for his opponents to strike, Vader would point his lightsaber towards the ground at an angle, and would take advantage of his blade's position by making lightning-fast underhanded sweeps and vertical strikes. As well, at times he manipulated his blade with just his wrists, not moving his arms.[19]
Not long after being ensconced into the suit, Vader began to have moments of claustrophobia and felt a desperate need to emerge from the suit. Because of this, he had several chambers built—meditation pods—in which to do this.[19]He could only remove his mask[8] and rest[29] in a special hyperbaric medical chamber, such as the one on board his Star Dreadnought Executor. Allowing no one to assist him, Vader relied on mechanical devices to remove and replace his helmet and metal breath screen.[8] This pressurized life-support environment of medicated and oxygenated air allowed him to exist unmasked in some comfort.[29] To keep him alive, the surgical theater where he was revived as a cyborg must have had the same pressurized gas mix until his mask was sealed.[18] A small, retractable respirator tube enabled him to survive for a short time with the pod momentarily open.[12] The hyperbaric chamber had motion-sensitive controls[29] and was lifted by servo-lifts.[49] Vader's cape was lifted while in the meditation chamber, and it was mechanically lowered while he was still in the chair.[49]
A meditation chamber existed in Vader's palace in Imperial City[29][50] and in Vader's quarters aboard the Executor. Another meditation chamber was found deep inside Vader's old stronghold on Vjun by Rosh Penin as he searched for sources of dark energy to 'charge' the Scepter of Ragnos, and the room in which the meditation chamber was located ended up as a dueling ground between Rosh Penin and Jaden Korr.[32] There seemed to be a different kind of meditation pod aboard the Mathayus, one that did not shut and one where he only meditated without removing his mask.[51]
Darth Vader's armor, worn by David Prowse and Bob Anderson in the original trilogy[32]and by Hayden Christensen in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith,[52] was designed by Ralph McQuarrie, who was instructed by George Lucas to sketch a tall and imposing figure, wearing an exotic-looking black armor.[17] Originally, Vader's costume had no helmet—Lucas had visioned that, instead of proper headgear, Vader's face would be covered by "a black silk scarf".[17] However, McQuarrie added a distinctive skull-like helmet for the character when he read the script of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and he became aware of the fact that Vader would have to cross through the cold vacuum of space in order to board the captured Tantive IV at the start of the film.[53] The reasons for Vader wearing the armor, of course, would end up becoming far more complicated.[32]
Many of the original parts of Vader's costume were obtained from a costumer called Berman's & Nathan's. Vader was mocked up from a World War II German Stahlhelmhelmet and gas mask, a monk's cloak, a leather undersuit, and a metal breastplate. The suit was constructed by costume designer John Mollo,[17] and it was finished in eleven weeks.[54] For Revenge of the Sith, Costume Props Supervisor Ivo Coveney crafted a new set of armor that served a dual purpose. Not only was it designed to fit Christensen, but it provided an opportunity for the department to correct many of the flaws inherent in the original costume, such as the asymmetry of the mask.[55]
The design of Darth Vader's armor was influenced by the costume worn by The Lightning, a villain in the television seriesThe Fighting Devil Dogs, and the Japanese Samurai masks, but the possible similarities between Vader's armor and the suit worn by Marvel Comics supervillain Doctor Doom have been noted as well.[56]
Vader's iconic breathing noise was created by Ben Burtt breathing through a scuba mask, with a small mic in the scuba regulator.[57] He had originally recorded many different variations of the breathing noise, from raspy and asthmatic to cold and mechanical. While the more mechanized version was chosen, the more raspy noises were used in Return of the Jediafter Vader was fatally injured by Sidious's Force lightning,[58] and shortly beforehand when Luke cut off his right arm. Originally, Vader was to sound like a walking emergency room, with him clicking and beeping whenever he was on-scene. However, this proved to be too distracting, and it was cut down to just his breathing.[57]
One of the changes in the canonicity regarding the suit was that, by 4 ABY, Vader's left shoulder was completely artificial,[5] and in 3 ABY, after encountering Luke on Bespin, he had remarked that his right shoulder had healed well. Since a bionic shoulder could not heal, Vader's right shoulder must still have consisted of his original flesh,[28] though earlier on Mimban, Vader's right arm was removed from the shoulder.[59] However, whether this healing Vader spoke of was literal, sarcastic, or metaphorical is not known.[28] Another change was that, for Vader's costume in Episode III, the costume, being completely new, was altered from the original design, though only slightly, to give it a newly machined, freshly created appearance. Several small changes to the neck length and shoulder couplings were intended to give Vader's movements a more mechanical look.[54] One more change over canon is that the chest panel of Darth Vader's attire changed slightly from III to IV,[18][24] and from IV to V and VI.[32][5]The canonical reason for this has not been put forth. As well, the control panel from V and VI bore Hebrew lettering that can be translated as "His deeds will not be forgiven, until he merits."[60]
The suit has been referenced several times in the Expanded Universe, an example being in the Star Wars: Legacycomics, Cade Skywalker is seen to wear a pair of trousers very similar to Vader's as a part of his outfit.[61] As well, inStar Wars: Union, while Mara was trying on wedding dresses, one of the dresses resembled Vader's armor. Leia told the designer the reason Mara turned it down was because "The bride doesn't want to dress like the father of the groom."[62]
Anakin Skywalker's white armor
The plotline of Dark Empire was originally written that the Empire would have an imposter wear Darth Vader's armor, or at the very least a replica of it, in order to get far-flung worlds fearful enough to submit to obedience, but it was vetoed and shot down by George Lucas.[63]
On October 1, 2011, a guidebook was released that expanded on the construction and functions of Darth Vader's armor. According to author Daniel Wallace's blog "5 things you didn't know about Darth Vader", they based some elements on Darth Vader's armor (eg, one of the ten layers of his armor) on NASA astronaut suits, which they had studied before writing the book.